Just read it, you shuck-face!

Book Info

The Maze Runner was probably the first young adult novel I read with a male point of view. I like it. It was fresh. For me at least.

Although it was written using a third person narrator, it was really Thomas’ point of view. Only the things he observed was narrated. As a reader, I liked that feeling of being as oblivious as Thomas during the first few pages. I only knew what Thomas knew.

Because I felt just as Thomas felt, I was immediately engrossed in this new world with a different vocabulary, if only because of my curiosity. But the vocabulary and the world was not so different that it was too unbelievable. It was just right.

There was drama. There was excitement. There was camarederie. There was suspense.

Most of the chapters ended with cliffhangers.

Anyway, I enjoyed it very much. It’s very likely I will continue to read the rest of the book series. But I can’t wait to see the movie first, so expect a post on that soon.

Until then.

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